In order to provide this best product selection possible for our customers, we've brought in OJ Props to expand our offering for wake and ski boats.
Johnson propellers are one of the oldest and most respected brands in the marine industry. OJ props are the OEM supplier for Mastercraft, Supra and Moomba boats. With a proven track record of delivering high quality, high performing propellers, OJ is a great option for boaters looking to upgrade or replace their current prop.
The new WakePro V-3 line of props from OJ are designed to combine performance and efficiency. They've completely redesigned the pitch profile to blend performance and efficiency that boaters need while running heavily ballasted boats.
Not sure what OJ Prop to get for your boat? Get in touch with one of our prop experts (888)-338-6085 and they can give you the best option for your boat and riding style.
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I have a 2006 Skeeter ZX200 with a 2006 Yamaha 200HP HPDI big block(I think its 3.3 liter). I need a prop, currently running a 25P 3 blade stock prop on it. V Max 15 spline. Do you have anything that will work? Thank you!
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Sunny, May 16, 2023, 10:55 AM PDT