Marine Stereo
A day on the water is more fun listening to your favorite music.

When it comes to having a fun day on the water, some good tunes are just as important as the boards on the boat or the stuff in the cooler. Whether you are looking to deck out your new boat with an upgraded stereo system or replace the outdated equipment in your older boat, WakeMAKERS has all the marine audio equipment needed to upgrade your boat's sound. From tower speakers and subwoofers to complete packages, we have a solution that fits every boater's needs and budget.
Everyone has experiencing the memory making power of great music, now you can bring that to your time on the water with family and friends.
Featured Products

Wet Sounds Rev 10 Speaker SuitZ Neoprene Cover (Pair)

Roswell R1 12" Subwoofer

Roswell R1 8" x 6.5" Vamp Spin Tower Speakers (Pair)

Roswell RMA 10" Subwoofer Package

Roswell 5M 6-Channel RCA Cable

Wet Sounds Revo 12" Passive Radiator Subwoofer Enclosure XWB

Roswell R 6.5" In-Boat Speaker Package w/RGB (set of 4)

Roswell R 6.5" In-Boat Speakers (Pair)

Wet Sounds Malibu G5 Tower Speaker Adapters (Pair)

Wet Sounds 1-Male x 2-Female RCA Splitter

Roswell Marine Amp Wiring Kit

Roswell Tower Wiring Harness

Roswell Mastercraft Hanging Speaker Adapter (Pair)

Roswell Mastercraft Aquatone Adapter (Pair)

Roswell R1 10" Subwoofer

Wet Sounds 1-Female x 2-Male RCA Splitter

Wet Sounds 4 Channel RCA Cable

Wet Sounds Revo 12 High Power Subwoofer

Wet Sounds Revo 10 High Power Subwoofer

Wet Sounds Supra FxOne Tower Speaker Adapters (Pair)

Exile Audio Pro-X Tower Hookup Kit

Exile Audio Malibu G3 Single Tower Adaptor

Roswell Subwoofer Compartment Vent

Wet Sounds Rev Tower Speaker Translucent Grill

Wet Sounds Revo XS Subwoofer Grill

Wet Sounds Nautique Z5 Drop Down Brackets (Pair)

Wet Sounds Nautique G Tower Speaker Adapters (Pair)

Wet Sounds Flush Mount USB Cable Extension

Wet Sounds Nautique FCT5 Tower Speaker Adapters - Top Mount (Pair)

Wet Sounds Nautique FCT5 Tower Speaker Adapters - Side Mount (Pair)

Wet Sounds Revo 8 Free Air Subwoofer

Wet Sounds Revo 8 XW In-Boat Speakers (Pair)

Wet Sounds Revo 8 SW In-Boat Speakers (Pair)

Wet Sounds Revo 8 XS In-Boat Speakers (Pair)

Wet Sounds Revo 6 SW In-Boat Speakers (Pair)

Wet Sounds 3.5mm Waterproof Aux Input

Wet Sounds 3.5mm to RCA Adapter Cable

Wet Sounds MasterCraft Disc Mount Tower Speaker Adapters (Pair)

Wet Sounds Malibu G3 Bimini Relocation Brackets (Pair)

Wet Sounds Malibu Illusion DXT Tower Speaker Adapters (Pair)

Wet Sounds Revo 6 XW In-Boat Speakers (Pair)

Wet Sounds Revo 6 XS In-Boat Speakers (Pair)

Roswell R1 10" Subwoofer Package

Wet Sounds Icon 8 Tower Speaker Package (Set of 4)

Wet Sounds Icon 8 Tower Speaker Package (Pair)

Wet Sounds Centurion Maximus Tower Speaker Adapters (Pair)

Wet Sounds Rev 8 / Icon 8 Neoprene Cover (Pair)

Wet Sounds Bluetooth Rocker Switch with Volume Control

Wet Sounds Bluetooth Knob with Volume Control

Wet Sounds WS-MC-2 Marine Media Center Source Unit