Best Non Surfgate Malibu VLX Upgrade
My honest opinion of the wavecontrol is that it made my wave bigger, a lot longer and it now has push. I will never own another boat without the convenience of a surf system.
Earlier this summer my surf wave was awesome or so I thought. I weighted the boat over to one side using a custom ballast bag. Running over 2000 lbs. of ballast on the port side was not much fun to drive but it was the only way to get the monster wave we wanted. The boat was listed to the rub rail. If I didn't come off the throttle easy I would get water over the gunnel or the bow.
With the surf tabs installed I now run my four MLS factory hard tanks full, the wedge down and about 700 lb. bags in each rear locker. The drivability was the only selling point my wife needed. I wanted to extend the wave further back. I did not know it would also have so much more push than before. I am amazed at how easy it is to change the wave shape on on the fly.