Eight.3 Ballast

Where does the name Eight.3 come from? Simple; one gallon of water equals 8.3 pounds, making this the obvious name for Ronix's new line of ballast specific division. Eight.3 is designed to help you build a better wake and wave so that you can have more fun on your Ronix wakeboards and surfboards.
From their innovative, fast filling Telescope System, to their standardized Plug-and-Play bags, Eight.3 has what it takes to instantly improve your wake and make your days on the water better.
Featured Products

Eight.3 Ronix Telescope Trapezoid Ballast Bag (1100 lbs)

Eight.3 Ronix Telescope Trapezoid Ballast Bag (800 lbs)

Eight.3 Ronix Telescope Trapezoid Ballast Bag (400 lbs)

Eight.3 Ronix Bag Thread x 1" & 1-1/8" Flow-Rite Fitting

Eight.3 Ronix Plug 'n Play 1100 V-Drive Ballast Bag (1100 lbs)

Eight.3 Ronix Plug 'n Play 800 V-Drive Ballast Bag (800 lbs)

Eight.3 Ronix Plug 'n Play 400 V-Drive Ballast Bag (400 lbs)

Eight.3 Ronix Boost Sac 50lb Solid Ballast Bag

Eight.3 Ronix Boost Sac 25lb Solid Ballast Bag

Eight.3 Ronix Bag Thread x 3/4" Flow-Rite Fitting

Eight.3 Ronix 1200GPH Portable Plug and Play Pump (153lbs/min)

Eight.3 Ronix Telescope Ballast Pump 3700GPH (514lbs/min)

Eight.3 Ronix Telescope Ballast Pump 3000GPH (417lbs/min)

Eight.3 Ronix PNP Pump Ballast Adaptor w/ Cap

Eight.3 Ronix Vented Valve Plug

Eight.3 Ronix Telescope 1100 x2 Ballast Bags & Pump (2200lbs)

Eight.3 Ronix Telescope 1100 Ballast Bag & Pump (1100lbs)

Eight.3 Ronix Telescope 800 x2 Ballast Bags & Pump (1600lbs)

Eight.3 Ronix Telescope 800 Ballast Bag & Pump (800lbs)

Eight.3 Ronix Telescope 400 x2 Ballast Bags & Pump (800lbs)

Eight.3 Ronix Telescope 400 Ballast Bag & Pump (400lbs)